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Old Building to be Restored


March 01, 20244 min read



  1. the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.


No we are not actually talking about an old house or old commercial building today. This article is not about a building renovation whatsoever; although there are some definite parallels to be made between human restoration and the physical restoration of a building.

Let’s start, however, with the building reference. Why does a building need to be renovated or restored? Why is restoration even necessary? Often it happens when a building is old. Old is one descriptor. But how about tired, weary, worn down. In the case of a building time and age are likely factors for certain; but also the wear and tear of the interior as a result of use over time. 

The exteriors of buildings become weathered and worn by the elements of wind, rain, sun and more. Generally, we can easily create a visual in our minds of the restoration needed of a building- residential or otherwise. You may be thinking of a 19th century brownstone or a classic urban downtown commercial building. Perhaps it’s even a rural farmhouse- but the good news is that you likely have a visual now.

8 Reasons

During my recent vacation with my wife I had the opportunity to experience restoration of the human kind. It has been a VERY long time- as in nearly a decade since I took a full week of “true, no pressure, no visiting, just relaxed” time away. To be totally honest, I am writing this article while on said vacation- but it needed to be done.  Because the restoration that I’m experiencing is worth writing about.

I’ve read so many books about the importance of rest in our lives and work. I try to practice what I preach, as a coach, on a weekly basis. Down time is so important. I cite the work of business gurus such as Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz (“The Power of Full Engagement”), on a regular basis. In their work, and the work of so many other great leaders, they talk about our need for rest. Stephen Covey in the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, writes that the most important habit of all is #7- Sharpen the Saw. If we don’t sharpen the saw, what is the point of any of what we’re doing? For those of us who are believers, there is a clear reason that Sabbath exists, and is crucial. The true evidence of rest- and restoration is so clear. Yet, we fail again and again to engage in restoration and renewal. Why? 

tired people

We get caught up in the chase-of success, money, fame, etc. Our internal batteries drain away as we chase our dreams and goals. I am reminded repeatedly that we need rest. I remind my clients of this reality regularly. I try to practice it- I do. But it’s not until we get away- really get away from the toil of our lives and businesses that it really clicks into place. This week I’ve literally just laid on an oceanside beachfront, mesmerized by ocean waves, relaxing, staring at the sun, and more- that I’ve found my peace once again. I literally felt my body and my face relax. Last evening, before dinner, I suddenly felt the relaxation occur in my face. My forehead, temples and eyes are generally very tense and tight. Suddenly last evening I could FEEL the relaxation unfold. My wife said to me that I actually looked younger at dinner because of the release that had occurred.

Why does this matter? It matters greatly because I know that I am restoring- my body, my mind and my soul while on this vacation. I know that because of this time away, I will be healthier, in mind, body, heart and spirit. Within that, I will be ready and able to better serve those I am entrusted and honoured to serve upon my return. I’ll be able to engage in my business once again with vigour- and creativity.

My quest and plea for those of you who read this article- take rest. Take time. Restore. Don’t wait. Your body, your life, your family will thank you for it and your working life- whether you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, or someone who works for another- will thank you for it. To my clients who read this- I will be taking more vacations in the future. Why? Certainly not to get away from you- because I truly love serving you….But it’s so that I can serve you better- with more energy, attention and creativity!  I know that I work best when I am able to simply problem solve and be creative. You need this from me- which means I need to restore me, in order to serve you. I implore you to do the same for the sake of yourselves and those you serve. We will be talking about this in our upcoming coaching sessions- you can bet on it! Because a world full of restored, rested, healthy people is way more powerful than tired and weary, stressed out people.

Want to talk more? Let’s have that coffee I’m always talking about- it’s on me- catch me before I go on vacation again!  At Infinite Business Solutions, We Develop Business Leaders.

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Jeff Walters

Jeff Walters is an accomplished and award business owner. He is the CEO and Founder of Infinite Business Solutions.

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Cheryl North Johnson

Jeff has been an excellent mentor and business coach for me. He has provided me with valuable guidance and support as I navigate the challenges of being a business owner. With his help I was able to develop a business plan. Jeff holds me accountable for my progress. Having someone who can provide me with objective feedback and encouragement can be very helpful, especially during challenging times. It's also important to have someone who you can vent to and who can help you process your emotions as you face various obstacles. Overall, Jeff has been an asset to my business and personal growth.

Nick Malcolm

Jeff has been instrumental in the growth of my business. As a young entrepreneur with no funds to speak of, Jeff was able to work with me and truly help me get my business off the ground. I’m happily self employed full time and living my dreams. It wouldn’t have been possible without my meetings with Jeff, thank you so much my friend!

Brenda Osbaldeston, E.D. MOMS Canada

I contacted Infinite Business Solutions to help our board move forward for the coming year. From our immediate contact, Jeff Walters was amazing. He listened to my concerns about our organization and asked questions, enabling me to realize where our struggles are. He was accommodating as to the timing for the workshop. The day of the presentation he arrived early, had a very warm and gentle way about himself. Jeff explained the purpose of our workshop and the importance of honest discussion to help us figure how to move forward. Jeff made sure each member was part of the discussion and allowed for each member to be themselves. The whole workshop was relaxed and very productive. I appreciate Jeff's professionalism and his respectful approach. This workshop allowed for our board to come up with a true focus, a direction for the next 12 months and the solutions as to how we get there. I highly recommend Infinite Business Solutions for any business or organization that needs a clear view on looking at their struggles and finding a focused direction of the solutions.

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